Feb 7, 2024

Discover Aviagen’s “Decades of Breeding for Welfare and Sustainability”

Aviagen Decades of Welfare and Sustainability pulblicationEDINBURGH, Scotland. – Aviagen® is pleased to introduce its latest publication, “Decades of Breeding for Welfare and Sustainability.” Building on the success of the company’s 2016 release, “Decades of Welfare and Sustainability Selection at Aviagen Chickens and Turkeys,” this extensive update shines a light on the steady advancements Aviagen has made over the years. Balanced progress in the breeding program has translated into continuous improvements observed in the field. Breeding for welfare and sustainability is not a final destination, but an ongoing journey, promising a continuous strengthening of bird health, welfare, efficiency, and sustainability.

Discover the world of balanced breeding

We invite you to check out our new publication. Here you will get an exclusive, glimpse into the world of balanced breeding. Explore Aviagen’s leading-edge selection techniques that leverage latest innovations in our breeding programs.

Hand in hand – Bird welfare and sustainability

Most importantly, the publication highlights the inseparable connection between bird welfare and sustainability. These two vital aspects combine to ensure economic prosperity for poultry producers and contribute significantly to the preservation of the planet. They also promote food safety and security, a top Aviagen commitment that is in line with one of the International Poultry Council’s prioritized United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals – SDG2, Zero Hunger.

Click the link above to access the publication and experience our journey toward a brighter and more sustainable future for the global poultry sector.